Serious Fun

Artists know that behind the most seemingly effortless moment is a lifetime of effort, and that the lightest moment can carry great weight. Inspired by the serious play of Jean Cocteau and his circle, we took this to heart. For our signature bird icon, a playful ink drawing of the kind a Brancusi or a Calder might use to sign the check at the end of the evening—we got it right the hundredth, or so, time. For celebrated young chef Daniel Rose’s vision of an American in Paris, all the formality you require—just a little left of center.

Le Coucou, clearly this city’s restaurant of the year.

— Mimi Sheraton, Daily Beast

This New York City Bistro is one of the Best Restaurants of the Century

Le Coucou is the city’s finest, most fun-for-everyone new brasserie to open since Balthazar nearly 20 years ago. It’s also one of the 21st century’s four or five best restaurants of any type. 

— Steve Cuozzo, New York Post, August 17, 2016

Le Coucou, from the chef Daniel Rose and the restaurateur Stephen Starr, gives New Yorkers almost everything we loved about New York’s old-line French restaurants without the things we didn’t.

— Pete Wells, The New York Times, December 13, 2016

LE COUCOU 138 Lafayette Street, NYC

RESTAURANT GROUP Starr Restaurants
ARCHITECT Roman & Williams